Fox News polls have great news for Biden, just as I expected. While I think all polls are biased towards Trump, the trend is what’s important now.
I’m still calling for a Democratic landslide. Don’t sweat the polls. Make the polls.
Ignore the polls. They have been skewed right since Trump’s electoral college win/popular vote loss. I still expect a Democratic Landslide. But we must do the work.
Why we must not believe the polls in this election. Encourage all to vote now for their life!
Michael Steele provides a coherent rationale for disregarding the polls. Their technology is outdated based on current technologies.
Republicans in fear. Joe Biden leading in polls in Texas
Republicans must now worry about more than the presidential election. If Joe Biden wins Texas, it means a lot of people are likely to pull the lever for many candidates down the ballot as well.
2020 is not 2016 but both polls are and were accurate, Political Analyst’s winning message
Trump is trying to instill fear in Americans. ‘Remember the 2016 polls! I will win.’ Hogwash. Political Analyst Cornell Belcher understands it all. Given recent polls, if we do out the job, it is a landslide.
Zerlina Maxwell on why Biden’s poll lead is soft and temporary
Sorry, there was a YouTube error. It is hard to take a contrarian view from the hosts at even purported Progressive Networks like MSNBC. Yet Zerlina Maxwell has been doing just that as she fights the Joe Biden coronation. Check out how she does it with the perfect narrative. Zerlina Maxwell interprets the Biden poll […]
Two polls confirm Trump’s numbers are cratering! Blue Wave after all?
Many suggest that the Washington Post-ABC poll was an outlier. Well, guess what. It seems like confirming polls are starting to emerge.
Trump’s increasing poll numbers tell an important story. Democrats, are you listening?
Trump’s increasing poll numbers is an important barometer of the American population that Progressives must read carefully.
Exasperated CNN host asks Trump surrogate to name a poll where he is winning (VIDEO)
Trump surrogate implies that the polls are skewed and tried to make a case that Trump is no losing as badly. There is some truth that Democrats should heed.
New election polls show that a Democratic wave could emerge (VIDEO)
Democrats are likely turning the 2016 election into a wave like 2006 assuming that the momentum continues to increase the gap.