Lawrence Wilkerson, a principled Republican continues to speak out against his party’s dangerous ideologies.
Lawrence Wilkerson inconvenient truth about having guns for self-defense
The following exchange between Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson and Emily Miller occurred on Real Time with Bill Maher. Emily is the author of “Emily Gets Her Own Gun.” Lawrence is the former assistant to the former chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Emily said that the point of gun ownership in America was to protect oneself. Colonel Wilkerson objected to that statement.
“By the way,” Wilkerson said. “Let me clear something up. I don’t own guns to defend myself. I own guns to hunt with.”
Emily then asked if he would just succumb to someone entering his home. Wilkerson’s answer illustrates the silliness of her statement.
“I don’t own the gun in case someone comes into my home so I can shoot them, “Wilkerson said. “I don’t expect someone to come in my home because I have law enforcement and other people around me to keep that from happening.”
Emily asked if he knew what law enforcement’s response time was. His answer was perfect.
“I am seventy-one years old,” Wilkerson said. “I have lived in this country for 71 years, except for the years I was deployed fighting for this country when I did need my guns. And no one has ever entered my house and try to kill me.”
The point may have been missed by Emily. One is more likely to kill oneself or ones’ family member if there is a gun in the home than the very slight possibility of an armed intruder coming into ones home.
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