Trump is at it again. The clips below says it all.
The Donald Trump Pander
Donald Trump visited Wisconsin and gave what was purported to be a law and order speech. It turned out to be a bumbling pandering for the vote of blacks and other people of color.
The Donald’s appearance in Wisconsin was supposed to be a typical political rally. To get coverage Trump’s organization claimed the speech was a ‘law and order’ speech. It was far from that. It called out violence in inner city communities. His only solution seemed to be to put more police in these communities. Nowhere did he mention training police officers about the realities of policing well in those communities.
Listening to the speech leads one to believe that crime is relegated to minority communities. He purposely forgets that the same kind of drug abuse, family dysfunction, and other social ills in communities of color can be found in the majority communities of comparable socio-economic stress.
Of course, the crack problems of the inner cities were criminal, but the heroin problems throughout America are a medical problem. Is there any wonder the data is skewed which give an invalid perception of race-based realities. If one group goes to jail for using an illicit drug while the other goes to a hospital, what exactly does the FBI records show relative to race-based criminality?
In the irony of ironies, Donald Trump was begging for the black vote in West Bend, a lily-white suburb 40 miles outside of Milwaukee, away from the urban area he purports to care about. Trump also used his speech to attack Democrats. “The African-American community has been taken for granted for decades and look how they are doing,” Trump said. “The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African-American community.”
The man sure knows how to spin history. The full speech can be viewed here.
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