Our insurance and drug companies are destructive to our health care system.
An insurance story worth listening to
We do not have the best healthcare system as our insurance and pharmaceutical companies are nothing but predators extracting the wealth of the middle-class. I dedicated my show Politics Done Right(on FB) this week to single-payer Medicare-for-All. You can check out the entire show here.
Alfred, a military veteran called into the show. He could not believe that conservatives could support a health care system that puts profits over the health of the citizens. Alfred went on to relay his experience with an impromptu hospital stay in Germany. He found his care was much less complicated and better than here in America.
While Germany does not have a single-payer system, it is so regulated that the behavior of the 240 or so funds (insurance) are functionally equivalent. If you want to learn about the different health care system models used around the world, read the following article by the Physicians for a National Health Program here.
I told Alfred that he needed to tell his story all over. Our corrupt extractive health care corporations have done a great job of misinforming a large segment of Americans with the aid of their subjects, corrupt politicians.
This week KPFT’ Houston 90.1 FM news reporter Gerry van Bakel was my in-studio guest. If you want to watch the show live via Facebook Live, please like the Politics Done Right page here.
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