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Why I like TheBlaze Tomi Lahren who slammed Colin Kaepernick for National Anthem boycott (VIDEO)

Why I like TheBlaze Tomi Lahren who excoriated Kaepernick for National Anthem boycott

Tomi Lahren is simply stating something many are too scared to say out loud.

Tomi Lahren is wrong, but she opens the door for real dialogue

I like Tomi Lahren because she says what many are thinking which is necessary to have a conversation to correct damaging myths. Many see her as a racist. I don’t. I see her simply as the victim of systemic racism. You see, racism does not only affect people of color. It also damages white people.

In Tomi’s parlance, ‘let me go ahead and eviscerate this mouth diarrhea for you sentence by sentence. Here we go.’

As I write this, Tomi Lahren has been viewed over 25 million times, shared over 785,00 times, and liked over 403,000 times. Many buy into her willfully uninformed arguments. We must push back with impunity. But we thank her for saying what many are thinking, for being one that necessarily opens up the scab a bit wider to help us get to the infection.

Please check out my article “Trump ripped the scab off our country’s racism. Let’s get to work at eradicating the infection” which adds to this story.

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