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This is why I am thankful for Donald Trump’s presidential run (VIDEO)

This is why I am thankful for Donald Trump's presidential run (VIDEO)

I spoke about Donald Trump and his followers on this week’s Politics Done Right.

We must engage Donald Trump’s supporters

I explained on this week’s Politics Done Right (on Facebook) show that I am thankful for Donald Trump for a very particular reason. Donald Trump took the scab off of a very infected and unhealed wound.

I wrote about this in an article that was subsequently posted by DailyKOS and picked up by Alternet and Progressive I wrote the following.

Trump dissed political correctness. He gave many the freedom to say how they genuinely felt. And what shocked the willfully ignorant? There is a large percentage of the American population that are still racist.

Later I explained that much of this was orchestrated by the puppeteers, our plutocracy.

Racism is an ingrained problem that was taught. From childhood, we are presented with subjective standards of beauty, affinity for leadership, assumptions about crime, intelligence, and worth. It is a necessary tool to keep us divided. It is on autopilot. An unfair extractive economic system needs racism as a tool in order to deflect the plutocracy’s failures. Trump is upsetting that status quo. He turned off the autopilot and went full throttle.  The question is whether we will have the courage address the problem head on once and for all. We must not only throttle back but get rid of the racist autopilot altogether.

I explained on the show that we should not hate or ridicule Trump supporters. We must engage them. It is important that those of us that did not fall for the misinformation from the plutocracy behave like adults. We will reach many of those that were dragged into Trump’s xynophobia. It is a difficult task that we will win by talking to friends and neighbors one on one and teaching them to do the same thing. That is how we get the geometric effect that will make an enlightened movement successful.

Watch/listen to the entire show here.

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