Shepard Smith did not hold back as he laid into Donald Trump for his debate performance.
Shepard Smith unloads on Donald Trump
Shepard Smith is turning out to be one of the few people at Fox News that can be called a journalist as he is one of the few on Fox News to call out Trump.
Smith first pointed out that many on the Right wanted someone to go face to face with a Clinton and dress them down. Donald Trump did that even as it had little effect on Hillary Clinton’s demeanor or performance.
“Last night they heard it,” Smith said. “Donald Trump laid into Clinton to her face. He said she is a liar. He said she had hate in her heart. He said, were he president, she would be in jail. And that if he does become president he would instruct his justice department to investigate her. Great stuff for your campaign base, a base that’s been running against Clinton for a long time. And frankly, many who have been hating the Clintons and anything about them for decades and decades. But the thing is the people who wanted to hear that, the pollsters tell us they were already voting for Donald Trump. And there are no more of them to go get from this some undecided pool or a pool of people that aren’t doing anything. They are not available. What you need to get, if you are Donald Trump and you want to be president, is women in the suburbs of Pittsburgh and Philly. And that’s not what they want to hear according to the pollsters.”
Shepard Smith went on to say that what Trump’s own campaign wanted to hear was some contrition. People wanted to hear about a plan to make their lives better. They wanted specifics and something to grasp on. Smith pointed out that Trump did not move undecideds nor did he try to. He then floated the idea that this is just another Trump media stunt to monetize some business after he loses the election.
This happened on Fox News. Maybe Shep was allowed to say these things since they know the Trump News Network will be a competitor after the election. That just may be it.
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