Donald Trump mischaracterized Martha Raddatz as crying for Hillary Clinton’s loss when she was emoting a dialog between a parent and a reporter about a child serving under Trump. Joy-ann Reid did not let him get away with yet another lie. She did not mince her words.
Joy-Ann Reid unloads on Donald Trump
Joy-ann Reid gave a two-minute excoriation of Donald Trump for his attack on journalist Martha Raddatz at his victory rally. Lawrence O’Donnell played a clip of Martha Raddatz discussing the pain of a parent concerned about a kid serving under President Trump.
“He is a person who is without empathy,” said Reid. “Remember Donald Trump who did not serve his country, was the appropriate age to go to Vietnam, got five deferments, was never asked about it by the way during the entirety of the campaign. No one ever asked him to defend the fact that he never sacrificed anything for this country who said not getting a venereal disease was his Vietnam. … Every man who has run for president since the Vietnam era has had to account for the Vietnam era. It has been a searing part of our politics. Donald Trump was never asked about it. Unlike Tim Kaine or even Mike Pence, he doesn’t have any family member, none of his children have served. They are essentially a family whose entire service has been to themselves, to their own pocketbooks, to their own ego, to their own needs. And he is a bottomless pit of need. And what he needs is adulation. For any journalist to dare to not be elated that Donald Trump will now be their president is something intolerable to him. It’s the reason that losing the election, losing the popular vote is intolerable to him. Incredibly it triggers him to be reminded that Hillary Clinton beat him in the popular vote. Because just the idea of being beaten and bested by a woman, and any woman not absolutely being in awe of him, triggers and bothers him. This is a needy, narcissistic man who is not a man who understands and can conceptualize sacrifice for one’s country. Yes if I had a son or daughter in the military, I would be concerned. You know Katon Dawson this weekend on our show was talking about the fact that anything with Trump’s name around the world becomes a target. If I am in the military, I am very concerned. I don’t want that to be my child’s mission, to defend the name of Trump, the person of the state. That isn’t what we are as Americans.”
She gave the perfect characterization of Donald Trump, one very few journalists are brave enough to articulate.
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