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Watch Trump supporters inadvertently make the case for President Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Watch Trump supporters inadvertently make the case for President Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper had some fun with some Donald Trump supporters that while funny illustrates a potential danger for the President-Elect.

Donald Trump supporters speak

The Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper attended Donald Trump’s THANK YOU Rally in Cincinnati Ohio where he interviewed several Trump supporters. Suffice it to say it was interesting.

Klepper started talking to three women who chanted ‘Build the wall. Build the wall. Drain the swamp.’ He then walked over to a young man.  He asked about locking Hillary Clinton up. The Trump supporter affirmed.

“Some people are saying she is a good person,” Klepper said. “She should not be prosecuted.”

“They are liars,” said the Trump supporter.

“Well that person is Donald Trump,” Klepper said.

People listening laughed audibly.

Klepper then interviewed a cowboy hat wearing older Trump supporter.

“At least we know Donald Trump,” Klepper said. “is not going to stand for having Hillary elitist New York bankers anywhere near the government.”

“None of that bullshit,” replied the Trump supporter.

The Trump supporter realized that Klepper was playing with him and just accepted that Trump was filling the swamp.

Another Trump guy accepted that Steven Mnuchin was an acceptable swamp dweller.

The most revealing interchange that illustrates the psyche of Trump supporters came a bit later.

“Don’t you want the most qualified person even though it might be a so-called swamp member, lobbyist or what not?” the Trump supporter asked. “Is that not the best thing to do?”

“Somebody who is the most qualified for the job,” Klepper said. “Has the most experience even if some of their backgrounds is suspect, that is the person who should have that job.”

“That’s right,” the Trump supporter said. “A common sense way of looking at things.”

“That was I think,” Klepper said. “Hillary Clinton’s entire platform.”

The Trump supporter giggled with embarrassment as the woman next to him gave the ‘you have been had’ look.

We have a lot of work to do. These kind of supporters are a looming danger for Donald Trump. When they come out of their fog, they will be angrier than those who did not support Trump originally.

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