Chris Matthews was always one of President Obama’s admirers. But this enumerated praise he gave to Obama on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert should be seen by every Right Wing Conservative to contrast with the Donald Trump.
Chris Matthews full circle praise of President Obama
The praises Chris Matthews bestowed on President Obama should not come as a surprise but is rarely given the merit it should relative to past presidents.
“Here is a guy who live what he talks,” Matthews said. “He says go get a clipboard and run for office if you don’t like the way things are going. Because guess what he did? He got his butt kicked in South Chicago, South Side of Chicago by Bobby Rush because he was too Ivy League. What did he do? He didn’t walk away. He went down to the suburbs, the white suburbs of Illinois, ran where people have never voted for a guy like him; ran for the U.S. Senate. He went up in rank. He ran for the Senate. He won the U.S. Senate race, his first run. And he gives the speech of a lifetime. That’s when I said, you just saw the first African American president on television.”
Matthews continued to lay it out.
“He came from nowhere,” Matthews said. “He had the guts to do it, he went out there and did it. He’s the finest president we’ve had in I don’t know how long. Everything he’s done, he’s cut the unemployment rate in half, he’s tripled the stock market as you said a minute ago at the end of the monologue, he saved the auto industry, he brought about marriage equality. He did so many things. I mean, he did it all, and there’s not a bit of scandal. His family is completely perfect. The kids are perfect. He’s every conservative’s dream of a president, except he’s not their dream of a president. It’s just not the way it is, for whatever reason, so that’s my speech.”
President Obama played by the rules but to some folks, it is never enough if one was born with the ‘wrong’ hue.
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