The writing is on the wall, well on Fox News and Right Wing Media to create a false narrative to justify a violent crackdown on progressive protesters. It is important that one reads in between the lines. This Fox News segment shows how it is being done.
Frank Luntz lies about Women’s March on Fox News
Frank Luntz is doing what he does best on Fox News. He is creating an alternate state of reality. But this false reality can get Americans hurt or worse.
Luntz appeared on Fox News and claimed a woman in the protests attacked him.
“I do about a hundred paid speeches a year,” Luntz said. “And I don’t want this to ever happen to anyone, particularly me. But a woman walked up to me in the Marriott Marquis, and she shouted, ‘you fascist,’ and then two other words that would get me fired from your network. And she threw this red confetti glitter right in my eyes, and she picked up another handful and she no further than 6 inches away and I was covered with this stuff. And since when do you have the right or just the ability to attack people in a private setting in a private matter. I mean you can end up hurting someone. I am going to tell you something. These are out of control. The language is out of control. There are eight, nine, ten-year-olds watching this. They read these horrible words from these signs and to have to face this personally; you can see I get choked up. I never thought this would be America. I never thought this would happen in this country.”
Abby Huntsman, alluding to Madonna’s metaphor about ‘blowing up the white house‘ asked what did the Women’s March trying to accomplish.
His answer was interesting.
“I think they want to prove that they can be as loud and obnoxious and in your face as possible,” Frank Luntz said. “I think they want to try to intimidate the Trump administration.”
Luntz then complained about no unity in the country.
“The thing that bothers me the most,” Luntz said. “There is no unity. We are not going to cure these divisions. This is going to go on, not for months but probably for years. I really think you are seeing not the end but the beginning of this violent action in this country.”
Frank Luntz is the Right Wing wordsmith-meister who is responsible for lies and pseudo-lies the Republicans have been using for years which misled their people into a frenzy against President Obama and others. The millions who participated in the Women’s March across the country and the world were characteristically peaceful unlike what we saw with the TEA Party hate filled diatribes based on the lies Frank Luntz and his Republican and corporate puppeteers instilled in their psyches. Maybe Luntz should recall the signs that the Right Wing, TEA Party, and ultranationalists were using during the Obama administration.
But do not be fooled. The Women’s March was successful, peaceful, and scary to the Right. You see there are more people of progressive thought than of regressive thought. The popular vote revealed that and the attendance of the Women’s March vs. the Trump’s inauguration was probative.
Frank Luntz, Fox News, and the Right Wing media are associating the Women’s March with violence for two reasons. The first is to attempt to attenuate those who would continue to participate. But most importantly to set the stage, to give cover for the Trump administration to crack heads to end protests violently. The idea being, both will suppress further challenges to the administration as they institute their draconian policies. Be ready and never be intimidated. There are more good people in this country. We cannot cede our freedom to those playing with fascism.
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