Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto came out swinging as he completely disregarded Trump’s new executive orders building the wall. I translated the entire message. Finally, he displayed the necessary spine as he empowered his consulates in America.
Un mensaje para todos los mexicanos:
— Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) January 26, 2017
Donald Trump is now being faced by an emboldened Mexican President that is no longer playing nice. Let us see who blinks first. Enrique Peña Nieto reiterated that he is not paying for the wall. Following is the entire translation of his speech.
Good night. Today, the President of the United States signed two executive orders related to our country. One to implement immigration issues. And the other to extend the wall on the border. In response, I’ve ordered the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to reinforce protection measures for our nationals. The fifty Mexican consulates in the United States will be converted into authentic defenders of the rights of immigrants.
Our communities are not alone. The Mexican government will offer the legal advice that will guarantee the protection you require. … Where there is a Mexican immigrant at risk, that requires our backing, we must be there. Your country must be there.
I regret and reject the decision by the United States to continue the construction of a wall that for years, instead of uniting us, divides us. Mexico does not believe in walls. I have said it over and over again, Mexico will pay for no wall. Those executive orders also occur at a time when our country is starting a dialogue to negotiate new rules for commerce, investments, security, and immigration in the North American region. This negotiation is very important for the strength, certainty, and future of our economy and our society.
As the President of the Republic, I fully take on the responsibility to defend and take care of the interests of Mexico and the Mexicans. It is my duty to face the problems and confront the challenges. Based on the final report from the Mexican functionaries that are currently in Washington and previous consultation with the Senate and with the national conference of governors, I will take the following decisions about the following steps. Mexico offers and demands respect for the fully sovereign country we are. Mexico reasserts its friendship with the people of the United States and your willingness to reach agreements with your government, agreements that benefit both Mexico and Mexicans. Thank you very much.
Now let us here from the narcissistic little boy we elected President of this great nation.
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