Recently Chuck Todd has been doing his job in reducing the spin by pointing out unadulterated facts when Republicans enter their lying mode. He used Mike Pence’s words against him. What is amazing is Pence’s inability to break the narrative.
Mike Pence exposed
When Chuck Todd used Mike Pence’s words against him, he displayed an embarrassed smile but amazingly reverted to form after a few seconds.
“There is a tendency here to just not take criticism constructively or seriously,” Todd said. “Chuck Schumer having fake tears, it’s like anytime he gets some sort of critique, he wants to demean-ify them, make them go away. Is that helpful?
“Well look, the President of the United States has every right to criticize the other two branches of government,” Mike Pence said. “We have a long tradition of that in this country.”
Todd asked if that is the best way to do it. Pence said the American people find it refreshing.
“On this issue of criticism,” Chuck Todd continued. “I found something you said about President Obama seven years ago. Take a listen.
“This president has shown an unusual interest in commenting on his critics in the media and here on Capitol Hill,” Pence said about Obama in the clip Todd played. “The American people don’t want to hear the President’s reflections and commentary on criticisms.”
“That is what Congressman Mike Pence thought of when Presidents got too caught up in their criticism,” Chuck Todd said. “Should the President take the advice of Congressman Mike Pence?”
A visibly blushing Pence started his response with a silly statement about the sameness of his hair color then and now. He then reverted to remorseless form.
“The prerogative the President has to be able to respond to their critics,” Pence said. “Look, the President of the United States represents all the American people. And in President Donald Trump, just like his predecessor, he is going to exercise the prerogative to criticize other branches of government when he thinks they are not acting in a way that is consistent with the best interest of the American people.”
Of course, this is the height of bald face hypocrisy. And the Right is so much better at it.
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