Melissa McChesney, the Outreach Coordinator for the Center for Public Policy Priorities, was a featured speaker at an Indivisible Houston healthcare event. She pointed out that many immigrants are dropping Obamacare not because they are ineligible but the fear that they could put themselves or relative in jeopardy with ICE.
Melissa McChesney quells immigrant Obamacare fears
Melissa McChesney is intent on educating fearful immigrants from dropping Obamacare. She said that many immigrants with the appropriate legal documents to qualify for Obamacare are not enrolling because they believe mix families (documented and undocumented) fear the possibility of getting their relative deported.
McChesney said that the includes provision which prevents the sharing of the type of information that could unmask these families. She did point out that there was a draft being circulated by the Trump administration which never made it into any executive order that could have been problematic.
Her word to immigrants is that they should get the insurance they are entitled to for their health and well-being. Most importantly she urges everyone to stay informed.
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