This GOP strategist was not kind to Donald Trump. He did not mince words as he described how dysfunctional Trump and his administration are. One hopes Trump is not watching lest we get a new litany of tweets.
Rick Wilson’s perfect description of Trump and his aptitude
GOP Media Strategist & Political Consultant Rick Wilson had some harsh words for Trump and his inability to focus on the job of being president. The strategist appeared on All-In with Chris Hayes.
Hayes asked Rick Wilson about the decision-making process in the White House.
“Chris, this is a president with a stalking gigantic case of ADHD,” Wilson said. “He cannot focus for thirty seconds on anything. Every bright and shiny object distracts him. He doesn’t believe anything in his heart. There is no ideological North Star for this guy. There is nothing he truly cares about except for his own ego. Everything is drawn irresistibly into the event horizon of his ego. And he is not a guy who has thought about issues, thought about policies beyond what he thinks gets a good applause line at his rallies. The fact that this is a guy with a famous slogan on a red hat is not a legislative or political or governance agenda at all. He is a guy who, everything is contingent. He doesn’t believe anything. And that’s why he is gonna have a really tough time either getting Republicans on board with a legislative plan or Democrats to bring them over. There is no path there where they trust this guy to be consistent.”
Hayes, later on, said that it is not about whether the policy is good or bad but whether there is even a policy. That was enough to keep Rick Wilson on his tear. He did not answer the question directly instead morphing it into the lack of progress by Trump’s inability to take direction or advice.
“Look, every president benefits from having a strong, effective Chief of Staff,” Wilson said. “Reince Priebus is a nice man, a good administrator in some ways. But he is not adult supervision for this man baby president.”
Chris Hayes released an audible laugh after Wilson’s accurate description of Donald Trump.
“He is not able to say to Trump, stop tweeting, shut up,” Wilson said. “Read your speeches. Go to these events. Do these things. Make these calls. Stop having forty-seven people rush in and out of your office and change your mind on things every thirty seconds. There is a lot of talk about whether Reince Priebus will leave or stay. The question is would you even notice at this point. This is a president who manages himself. He is not managed by a chief of staff. And every president needs one. It is an iron law of Washington.”
Could he be any clearer?
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