People on news programs who purport to be journalists continue to soft-pedal the crap emanating from the Trump administration about the economy. Ali Velshi is one person who has earned the title ‘journalist’ as he continues to buck the trend and call out Trump and his misinforming administration in real time. This one is epic.
Ali Velshi calls out Trump’s lies at just the right time
I continue to be impressed by Ali Velshi as he keeps his journalistic acumen intact. He calls out Trump and his administration’s lies like no other. Trump was meeting at the White House with about twenty or so CEOs. During the press briefing, he spoke as if his policies were responsible for the energy rebound and the increasing consumer confidence numbers.
“I want to correct something that the president said,” Velshi said. “And it is something he sometimes does. He talked about consumer confidence being at 93%. It’ not true. Consumer confidence is at 93. It is not a percentage point it’s an index. It goes up to whatever number it can go up to. There is no limit to how far it can go up. But it is not a percent. Consumer confidence is not at 93%. It is at the highest point that it has been at in a very long time. If I have a chart of it, I will bring it for tomorrow’s show. I am going to show you a chart of this. It has been on a steady climb since 2009, absolutely steady climb. There has been a bit of a change since Donald Trump took president. This is a survey of how Americans feel about the future. The survey has indicated a bigger change in this because wealthy Americans think that they will do better under Donald Trump. Regular earning Americans, middle-class Americans have not changed their view of consumer confidence one little bit, and you can see that by the constant reporting we have of stores closing and things like that. So it is something that I hope somebody at the White House is listening to. Please stop saying consumer confidence is at 93%.
Ali Velshi then continued to ding the president on another statement. The president claimed that because he removed regulations, he unleashed companies, and specifically energy companies to produce. Velshi shut down that myth rather quickly.
“The other thing that the President said that also isn’t true is that the unleashing of regulations resulted in people going back to work in the energy sector,” Velshi continued. “Around that table is one of the country’s best energy experts, a man named Daniel Yergin who I hope will tell the president that oil is $52 a barrel. If oil is above $40 a barrel, $45 a barrel, it becomes profitable to get shale oil out of the ground. That is why there are people working in the energy sector now. That’s got nothing to do with regulations that the president brought in.”
Imagine if all programs on all networks did their jobs. We would have an informed population that may more likely than not vote their interests.
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