Chris Cuomo did what he needed to do. He called the leader of the Republicans a liar, and he explained why.
Chris Cuomo calls out Paul Ryan
Chris Cuomo showed his disgust for Republican AHCA antics as he called out Paul Ryan as a liar deceiving Americans on preexisting condition coverage.
“Paul Ryan put out a tweet saying that the McArthur Amendment ensures that people with preexisting conditions will get covered,” Chris Cuomo said. “That is a lie okay. He has to know that it does not do that. He has to be intentionally deceiving people when he says that it would do that because by definition what this amendment does is give the state the ability to opt out and create their own pools which were a morass of problems for people at the high end of risks. Isn’t that just a fact?”
Journalist Errol Louis agreed but did not want to call Paul Ryan an outright liar as Chris Cuomo did. Maybe Louis was trying to maintain the false balance the mainstream media have consistently attempted. Maybe he wanted to ensure a future Paul Ryan interview.
Louis attempted to give Paul Ryan a pass by saying the GOP have consistently supported High-Risk Pools. Irrespective of that reality, High-Risk Pools do not work because it is a pool filled with sick people. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that it cannot work at all.
Either all Americans are in a pool where risk can be shared or insurance for those with preexisting conditions must be subsidized. Either way, Americans pay either through higher insurance premiums or higher taxes. The problem is that Republicans want to remove Obamacare taxes and reduce premiums. They want to deliver those savings as tax cuts to the wealthy.
It simply cannot be done. The ultimate solution is Medicare-for-all single payer healthcare. In the interim, Obamacare must be maintained and fixed.
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