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John Oliver wants you to do this to prevent Trump from destroying Net Neutrality (VIDEO)

Net Neutrality II - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Net Neutrality is not negotiable. It’s essential to everything we need in our society and democracy — from educational and economic opportunities to political organizing and dissent.

Millions of people fought for over a decade to secure lasting Net Neutrality protections. We will not accept anything less. We urge you to reject any attacks on real Net Neutrality.

The Trump administration has officially launched its attack on Net Neutrality — if it succeeds, the internet as we know it will be gone for good.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has unveiled his plan to dismantle Net Neutrality.

Here it is in a nutshell: Abolish Net Neutrality. Cross our fingers that the phone and cable companies promise to be good.

Yeah, right. These are the same companies that promise to be at your house between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. and don’t show up until the following week. The same companies that were caught repeatedly violating Net Neutrality before strong rules were on the books.1 The same companies that admitted that if it weren’t for Net Neutrality, they would discriminate against websites and content.

Check out “Is Net Neutrality Really Necessary? You’re Damn Right!” to get an understanding of how Net Neutrality affects us all.

(h/t Freepress Action Fund)

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