Bill Maher did not mince words as he all but called Democrats wimps.
Bill Maher slams the Democrats
Bill Maher let the Democrats have it for not fighting back Republicans with the same intensity they fight. And he is right.
“When it comes to how you run for office there has to be a middle ground between body-slamming reporters or whatever it is the Democrats are doing, “Maher said. “You may have seen last week that on the eve of a special election to the House seat in Montana, a ridiculous bald bastard named Greg Gionforte running for the Republicans physically assaulted a reporter for asking a question about health care. And then he the election by seven points. Naturally, Democrats were ecstatic because Trump won the state by twenty. So we beat the spread. You know we keep having these special elections where Democrats keep almost winning. And by that, I mean losing. Since 2009 Democrats have lost over eight hundred seats in state legislatures. They don’t control a single chamber in the South. They only have 16 governors after congressman-elect Gionforte who was charged with assault, reporters approached his Democratic opponent who said nothing. He declined to comment. And here’s the radio ad these fearsome Democrats made after the assault.”
Maher then played a segment of the commercial that said.
If Greg Gionforte Portman could be sentenced to jail should he really be elected to Congress
“Yes, there’s nothing that moves voters in Butte Montana like Socratic irony, Maher said. “You know the Democrats’ symbol is the mule. Because that’s the other animal that just stands there when you beat it. In the summer of 2016, President Obama knew the Russian meddling was a hundred percent targeted to electrum and chose not to say anything. He didn’t use it because he was afraid of how it would look. Republicans never care how things look. Did Mitch McConnell care how it looked when he stole Obama’s Supreme Court pick? No. H did it because he can. For decades Republicans accused Democrats of being soft on Russia. Now we got a Republican president who wasn’t just soft on Russia, He is totally hard for it. Everyone he knows has had secret meetings with the Russians and lied about it including the National Security Advisor, the Attorney General, and the royal son-in-law. They hijacked an election and he invites them into the Oval Office gives them secret intel admits to obstruction of justice on TV but when asked about impeachment, Nancy Pelosi said …”
Maher then played a clip of Pelosi taking the wait and see attitude on CNN with the caption saying Trump revealed classified information to the Russians.
“Yo, look below you?” Maher said.”It says Trump shared classified information with the Russian foreign minister. Would Republicans be so reserving of judgment? Even after Hillary was exonerated they were chanting lock her up. Not wait and
see. It is one thing to bring a knife to a gunfight. The Democrats are bringing a covered dish. Adam Schiff says no one ought to rush to embrace the most extraordinary remedy that removes the president. … Have you listened to this administration? Facts don’t count anymore. They’re disdained. They’re are pariahs. When they go low although we go high is a great applause line but as a tactic what country do you think you’re living in right now. Wake up and smell the a$$hole. Because it turns out when they go low they get reelected. They take the Congress, the Supreme Court, the presidency. From now on the Democratic motto should be when they go low we kick them in the nuts. Democrats have to start actually winning elections. I want some candidates on my team who can at least metaphorically bodyslam the Republicans. Last year, Republican Congressman Michael McCaul said about Hillary’s infamous private server. He said in my opinion quite frankly, it’s treason. See they’re not afraid to say the “T” word about nothing. Her private server was treason? No Trump being Putin’s private server. That’s Treason.”
Well said, Mr. Maher.
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