Wake up America. Neither the Democratic Establishment nor the Republican Establishment nor the Right is fighting for your interests. Here is why and what you must do.
President Trump’s remarks on health care before Senate vote
I was on my way back from Washington DC to Houston yesterday when I saw Donald Trump’s live press conference on health care while at Reagan National Airport (DCA). Everyone should have been appalled not at Trump’s press conference, but at the nonresponse from the Democratic Leadership.
But first, let me digress. I was in DC for personal reasons and had a day to burn. I did the DC tour with my wife. I’ve been to DC at least eight times for conferences and protests, so I never did much site-seeing. We visited the grounds of the White House. My disappointment was the lack of protesters, signage, or anything that indicated the menace that the Trump administration and Trump himself posed to the American people.
Most Americans are well aware that Donald Trump is a proven liar. However, when he gives a press conference in the White House, there is a certain gravitas and credibility initially given to the words of the president.
I won’t fact check Trump’s speech in this post. That is not the purpose here. NBC fact checked several lies in it that is worth reading.
Where the hell were the Democratic leaders
Have you ever asked yourself why it seems that the Democratic Leadership always seems timid in the manner in which they fight for the values of the Democratic Platform, a document that supports the masses? The answer is simpler than you think. I will write about it in detail in a subsequent post, but here it is in a nutshell. We are being played by the Democratic Establishment & Republicans alike.
Think about the left and right rails of a train track. They are both going in the same direction. If Progressives pull on the left rail too hard or Conservatives pull on the right too hard, there is a derailment.
Progressives want a real egalitarian society. Conservatives just want things the way they used to be; where they disperse privileges in an unmeritorious manner.
The problem is that the establishment of both parties know that a successful Right would lead to another civil war where everyone loses. A successful Left would diminish the power of the capital class, corporations and these are the folks that fund both party establishments.
This morning I browsed an article in The Nation titled “Why Are Jared and Ivanka Partying in the Hamptons With Chuck Schumer?” It reminded me of something that we should all remember. As we fight each other about what we think is best for the country, those people who have given us the false choices are enjoying each others company as they party together.
Jared and Ivanka went to a party given by Lally Weymouth on July 4th weekend in the Hamptons. … Republicans were there: In addition to Ivanka and Jared, Kellyanne Conway, and David Koch of the Koch brothers. Also Dina Powell, the deputy national-security adviser in the Trump White House. On the other hand, Chuck Schumer was also there, along with top Democratic funders George Soros and Stephen Spielberg. Various members of the global financial community were also there—all at this party, sipping champagne together, side by side—making you wonder who’s running the world. … I call this sort of event “biparty-san.” This is the supra-national elite at work. I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, and I’m not one, but they do what they do because it’s in their interest. And their interests transcend the divisions in Congress. They’re beyond patriotism and nationalism; they’re functioning in another world, a bigger world.
Neither the Democratic nor the Republican Establishment is going to save Americans from Trumpcare, bad bills, income and wealth inequality or anything. It requires that we empower ourselves outside the parties.
The TEA Party and the Right Wing Evangelicals derailed the Republican Party. It is time for Progressives to bend the tracks leftward by working outside and within the Democratic Party completely disregarding a leadership that continues to fail the masses. It is time for a leadership change.
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