Chuck Todd continued either his devil’s advocate impression or his snarky corporatist modal as he attempted to malign Bernie Sanders’ push for single-payer Medicare for All. Todd seemed to be pushing the Right Wing false narrative to Medicare for all for which Bernie Sanders summarily schooled him on the reality of the program.
We have been discussing our health care system for decades. Journalists and politicians know just about everything there is to know about the healthcare industry. As such it is incumbent on journalists to ask the right questions and provide the correct narrative. In other words, they should not allow fallacies even to get a hearing.
Chuck Todd started this portion of the interview with the truth but then decided to ask a question misleadingly. He said most Americans support Medicare for All. But then he went on the narrative implying that supports drop when people find out how much it would cost and how much taxes would rise. Of course, if people are lied to, they will change opinions based on the lie they believe. Cost does not go up with Medicare for All. They go down because all insurance administrative costs are gone. Taxes do not have to go up for most in the context that health insurance premium is no different than a tax. If total health care costs are lowered, of course, taxes in the aggregate are lower as well.
Bernie Sanders did a great job in answering Chuck Todd. He once again pointed out that the insurance administrative costs are 18+ percent (the reality is more) while it is around 2% for Medicare for all which would save north of $500 billion a year.
He then pointed out that negotiating prices down on prescription drugs would be another huge saving, something that Obamacare did not do as it had to make concessions to get the bill through. Bernie then pointed out how much employers and employees would save not having the arcane system we now have.
Chuck Todd Schooled on Medicare for All
Bernie Sanders dismissed Chuck Todd snark & schools him on Medicare for all (VIDEO) pic.twitter.com/KIWnzuZjOy
— Egberto Willies, Politics Done Right host
(@EgbertoWillies) September 17, 2017
Proponents of Medicare for All must simplify their message. After all, Medicare for All is much simpler than the fraud we call health care in America now. They must develop soundbites that are easily understandable and digestible.
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