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No need for much information to assign blame this mass shooting & others (VIDEO)

No need for much information to assign blame this mass shooting & others (VIDEO)

It is clear that events like the Las Vegas mass shooting can occur anywhere. However, We should not ignore the frequency with which they occur in the United States cannot. Are we going to continue tolerating this? When will we have an attention span long enough to do something about it?

It is false that we do not have clear means to solve this problem. Saying the Las Vegas mass shooting is deja vu sadly expresses an ineptness by Americans to stay focused long enough to solve our gun problem.

Mitch McConnell false concern for the Las Vegas mass shooting

In the morning of the of the attack, Trump read some remarks whose disingenuousness was apparent.

In times such as these, I know we are searching for some kind of meaning in the chaos, some kind of light in the darkness. The answers do not come easy. But we can take solace knowing that even the darkest space can be brightened by a single light and even the most terrible despair can be illuminated by a single ray of hope.

These words from the country’s most prolific instigator of hate and division are laughable. In fact, one cannot forget that Trump was an avid proponent of what he called ‘second amendment remedies‘ if our leaders did not act in concert with his beliefs.

McConnell went on the Senate floor with some hypocritical absurdities as well. He said what happened in Las Vegas was shocking and tragic. He said many Americans are in shocked and wondered why someone would do something like this.

The fact is that every year many Americans who have access to guns of all kinds, access to unlimited ammunition, and the use of lax gun control laws, do this on a widespread basis. It is no longer shocking. In fact, it is very predictable that we will have one of these every few weeks.

We must blame ourselves for our lack of focus and perseverance. The NRA is only as powerful as we allow ourselves to be weak which is what we have become exactly.

Do we want more Sandy Hook Massacres? What about the Orlando nightclub, LaFayette, Douglas County Oregon, and the AME Church? When will we stay focused until our politicians pass gun control laws to mitigate what is becoming a new normal?

The government belongs to those who participate incessantly. Politicians still govern with our consent. It is the fault of us all that we cannot get gun control laws that would at least reduce these mass shooting events. We elect politicians. We can ensure they do not remain in office if they go against our will.

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