It took Tom Friedman, New York Times Journalist and author of the book “Thank You for Being Late,” made a statement on Fareed Zakaria GPS that the Republican rank and file should heed as their leadership is failing them.
Several significant events for which America needs real national leadership. With the country in the hands of the Republican Party, America is in peril. Tom Friedman described the reality perfectly.
Tom Friedman excoriates the Republican Party
Tom Friedman slams Republican party as a 'travesty' for doing nothing (VIDEO)
— Egberto Willies, Politics Done Right host
(@EgbertoWillies) October 8, 2017
“I think the response of the very same people to the threat of climate change is also really based on culture,” Tom Friedman said. “It’s based on a certain identity marker that you know real men don’t believe in climate change but basically if you step back and think about what we’re saying in the wake of the two most ferocious hurricanes in the Atlantic, that we’ve ever recorded, that have caused now about 200 billion dollars in damage and in the wake of a mass killing in Las Vegas that has killed almost 60 people and wounded, you know, four or five hundred others, we have a party, the Republican Party that is saying the right response to both of those things for their kids and the future of the country is to do nothing. And that is a travesty.”
In effect, he is saying that the country as governed by the Republican Party today, makes them a clear and present danger to the nation. One hopes Americans understand more than the text of his statement, for America has been living through these manmade disasters since the inception of supply-side economic with a heavy dosage of crony capitalism.
So the question is what can we do? There is much to be done. Organize. Many do not know how. However, there are now organizations who help the average American citizen to engage. Visit Indivisible for a roadmap for what you can do.
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