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John McCain slams Fox News reporter: Why would you say something that stupid? (VIDEO)

Senator John McCain slams Fox News reporter Why would you say something that stupid

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) thought the Fox News reporter’s question was dumb and he insulted him for it. But, was the question that ‘stupid?’

McCain returned to his maverick ways as he excoriated a Fox News reporter for asking a question that he thought was stupid, but was it?

Senator John McCain let this Fox News reporter have it

“Has your relationship with the president frayed,” the Fox News reporter asked. “To the point that you are not going to support anything that he comes to you and asks you?”

“Why would say something that stupid?” McCain replied. “Why would ask something that dumb. My job is the United States Senator as the senator from Arizona, which I was just re-elected to. You mean that I am somehow going to behave in a way that I am going to block everything because of a personal disagreement? That’s a dumb question.”

Senator John McCain did not break ranks during the Obama administration. He like every Republican obstructed every policy President Obama attempted to put into effect when Democrats lost their majorities in the Senate and the House. They did it out of spite. They were not even ashamed to admit that they were purposefully obstructing President Obama.

So, John McCain, the question was not stupid. He asked it because your past history made him infer that blocking legislation for no specific reason was a possibility.

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