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Dylan Ratigan embarrassed Conservative: Red States mooch off of Blue State (VIDEO)

Dylan Ratigan embarasses Conservative - Red States mooch off of Blue State

The Conservative thought he had a point and attempted to make it with former MSNBC Host Dylan Ratigan on a CNN panel. He forgot that Ratigan is a very quick thinker and he paid for lying on air.

Dylan Ratigan told an inconvenient truth to this misinforming Conservative

Dylan Ratigan did not allow this Conservative to spread the false narrative that low tax Red States somehow subsidize high tax Blue States. The opposite is true.

“The other thing again that confuses me is why the targeting of SALT which is a huge issue in the North, basically all the Blue states,” Dylan Ratigan said. “I mean it reads very political in the sense that basically the SALT deduction elimination, the fact that you cannot deduct your state and local taxes from federal taxes, is the direct expense of those higher SALT state and local income economies which are their densest population, the most economically vibrant and comes at the direct expense of the infrastructure in New York, California where you need that the most>”

The Conservative panelist went straight to his false talking point.

“And I’ll tell you from someone who comes from Indiana in the Midwest where we believe in low taxes, responsible spending,” the Conservative panelist said. “We also don’t think that our tax dollars should be used to offset the bloated out-of-control spending of these traditional Blue states. Ans so that money is taken out of our pockets”

Dylan Ratigan had to convey an inconvenient truth.

“It’s interesting that you would say that,” Ratigan said. “Actually the Blue States actually pay two times as much to the Red States than the Red states receive. So what you said was not actually correct. What you’re saying now is that in addition to taking money from the Blue States to pay for Indiana’s infrastructure, you’re also going to reduce the tax deduction for Blue State tax holders to pay for their own infrastructure while they still subsidize the Red States.”

Republicans like to stress that the States are the laboratories in our union. It is where one can see results from experiments. The economic experiment is over. The fact that the Blue States must subsidize the Red States should humble those in the Red States trying to promote their ideologies to the Blue States. Why would a Blue State want to follow a failing experiment?

The numbers speak for themselves. The majority of the Red States are, in Romney’s parlance, takers, they live off of the government. And for good measure, the Red States even fail in their moral values experiment when compared to the Blue States.

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