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Bill Maher asks Republican Congressman to tutor Democrats on winning elections (VIDEO)

Bill Maher asks Republican Congressman to tutor Democrats on winning elections

Bill Maher has a point even if it does not speak well to our moral convictions. The thing is that Progressives are generally provably right, so just unapologetically sticking up for our beliefs should be fine. Unfortunately, we do not defend our views as the other side supports that which hurts too many of us.

Bill Maher admires Congressman Duncan Hunter’s defense of fallacies

Republicans Congressman Duncan Hunter appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher and did not give an inch on GOP lies. Maher grudgingly admired him sticking to the lies.

The subject under discussion was Scott Pruitt whose is likely the swampiest character in the Trump administration. He not only lies, but he also rips off the taxpayers as he spends their money like limitless flowing water. And of course, he is ensuring the corporate destruction of our environment.

The following exchange said it all.

“What about Scott Pruitt?” Robert Reich asked. “Congressman, do you think he should resign.”

“No,” The congressman replied.

“Oh, come on,” Maher’s guest interjected exasperatedly. “How could you not think that. You think he should be in charge of protecting our environment?”

“The stuff is so over sensationalized, all the expenses on everybody,” the congressman continued. “It’s getting ridiculous.”

“Republicans don’t give up too much,” Killer Mike said as he laughed uncontrollably.

“I am just going to say,” Bill Maher chimed in quickly. “I don’t agree with this guy [Congressman Duncan Hunter] on anything.”

“He is holding his ground,” Killer Mike interjected.

“But I see why they win elections,” Maher continued.

“Word,” Killer Mike agreed.

“Because they are not f$cking pussies,” Bill Maher said.

“They don’t have a fifty-cent apology,” Killer Mike continued.

“They show up here, and they go no,” Maher continued “And that is very attractive to people. And Democrats need to learn that skill. You tutored us a little.”

Yes, there is something to learn here. Stick to your convictions and promote them forcefully. The icing on the cake is that yours are right.

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