The Trump administration has declared war on all Americans who currently have preexisting conditions. This act is nothing but a gift to insurance companies to multiply their profits at the expense of the life of millions of Americans. And many will die if he is successful.
So what is he doing? Protect Our Care made it clear.
- The Trump Administration just took their latest and most dangerous step yet to repeal and sabotage our care. Last night, President Trump went to court to demand the repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with preexisting conditions.
- The Trump administration now argues it’s unconstitutional to stop insurance companies from denying or dropping coverage for people with pre-existing conditions like cancer, asthma, or diabetes.
- If you are one, of up to 130 million Americans, who has pre-existing conditions and the Trump Administration gets their way, your protections will disappear overnight, and insurance companies will once again be allowed to deny you coverage or hit you with exorbitant medical bills and push you into bankruptcy.
- By creating even more uncertainty in the health care markets, the Trump Administration could raise health care costs even more for millions of people who are already facing double-digit hikes due to previous sabotage.
Trump is defying the letter of the Affordable Care Act that protected all Americans from the worst excesses of the health insurance companies.
The Los Angeles Times hit the nail on the head with their article “Got a preexisting condition? The Trump administration wants insurers to deny you coverage.”
In its latest effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act — and in the process, raise premiums for many Americans — the Trump administration is urging a federal judge in Texas to throw out the law’s protections for people with preexisting conditions. In other words, the administration wants insurers to be able to deny coverage to the people most in need of it, or to charge them considerably higher premiums than they’re allowed to charge today.
This is jaw-dropping. Even Republicans who’ve complained about Obamacare have been loath to undo the protections for people with preexisting conditions who are not covered by large employers’ health plans. That’s because the public supports them, and unequivocally so. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll in June 2017 showed that 70% of those polled, including 59% of Republicans, wanted Washington to continue barring insurers from charging people with preexisting conditions more for their coverage. Federal law has long provided such protection for people with health benefits at work; the ACA extended it to people shopping independently for insurance.
But then, the administration has done just about everything in its power to toss older, less healthy people under the bus if they’re unfortunate enough not to be covered by employer health insurance plans. Through its efforts to depress enrollment in the state Obamacare exchanges, legalize year-round junk insurance policies and allow “association” health plans with limited benefits, it has worked diligently to let younger, healthier people separate themselves from the rest of the market and buy cheaper, less-comprehensive policies. Those efforts are expected to drive premiums up significantly for those with preexisting conditions.
Donald Trump and his administration are not only playing with the lives of millions of Americans with preexisting conditions but actively working to enrich a few corporations with your money.
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