I am at Netroots Nation 2018, the largest Progressive conference in the country where politicians, activists, and bloggers get together to discuss ideas, train, learn, intertwined with a little bit of fun. I experienced an act of kindness from my shuttle driver that blew me away today.
This act of kindness wasn’t random
Dexter Quinn Sr. shows that even under the most grotesque, selfish, and quantifiably evil administration, an act of kindness can take on a new meaning. It can bring a good feeling even as I am at a conference where we will discuss many of the ills that make his act necessary.
I got into New Orleans about nine or so. I needed to get to the hotel and had not made previous arrangements. I saw the shuttle desk, ran over to it and asked for pricing. I got into a nice conversation with the attendant. I asked her for pricing. It was $24 one way from the airport to the Convention Hotel. It was $44 round trip. I then checked Uber. That was $37+ one way. I went back to the shuttle lady.
After speaking to her a while longer, she said, “You are nice, I’ll give you a discount.” She gave me a $12 discount. Well, she saved this blogger a few dollars. So the first impression of my post-Katrina visit to New Orleans was that these folks who have reason to be angry with the world are so nice.
I boarded the shuttle. We drove several miles into town. Then as we stopped at a cross street, a not very clean looking hungry man approached the shuttle driver’s window. Dexter, the shuttle driver, reached over, picked up a sandwich and a bottle of water and handed it to the man. The man was very thankful, and Dexter continued dropping people off at their hotels.
When we got to my hotel, I asked Dexter what made him just give the man his sandwich and water. You see, I assumed it was his lunch. Dexter said that every day he packs 8 sandwiches and 8 bottles of water to give to the indigent. In other words, it is a deliberate, an intentional act of kindness on this man’s part.
I asked Dexter if I could make a quick video, I did not want to impose given he was working. He said it was OK. His rationale for giving is basic. It is the humane thing to do.
Maybe our President and the Republican leadership who continue to transfer our wealth and resources to the rich can learn something from Dexter. A simple act of kindness is more effective than the evil and selfishness they promote.
Politics Done Right interviewed over 40 politicians, activists, and policy framers at Netroots Nation 2018. Check them out as we post them here.
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