James Hansen was stunningly prescient.
Thirty years ago, 1988, the NASA scientist testified to Congress that the planet would warm 1.9 degrees by 2017.
So, how close was he? You judge. NASA figures show global temperatures climbed, 1.6 degrees since 1988.
Yes, that’s what one calls truth, as opposed to what Donald Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency is pushing.
It used to be that the EPA, like NASA, represented scientific authority. Then Trump fashioned it into a house of mirrors.
Want legitimate information from its finely honed team of evaders and deniers? Watch them wriggle away and hide.
Last week a federal court ordered the EPA to observe the Obama-era ban on the farm use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos. The poison had already been banned for household use but remained a staple for many farmers.
Pesticide maker Dow Chemical lobbied then-EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and donated $1 million to the Trump inauguration. It got what it wanted.
The Trump EPA had an opportunity to show evidence for doing what it did, despite the suspected danger to infants that precipitated the ban. Basically, the justification is: “We did it because we could,” or more likely, “because Dow asked.”
The Trump EPA is not interested in providing evidence to support what it does. It is simply interested in undoing whatever Obama did. Because it’s not a presidency, not running the country. It’s a competition.
One of the most important, and least-discussed, legal battles in the country right now is taking place in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, where plaintiffs have called Team Trump’s bluff on the issue of man-caused climate change.
A group called Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility has sued under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the evidence former EPA administrator Scott Pruitt used to support his claim that human activity is “not a primary” contributor to global warming.
Yes, Team Trump. Enlighten us.
But – surprise: The Trump EPA isn’t interested in shedding light on any evidence it might have but on sand-bagging, causing the senior judge on the court to threaten the administration with contempt of court.
Yes, if the Trump EPA had “the goods” on this matter, this climate change claim made by experts like James Hansen, we could end all discussions post haste and get on to weightier matters like football players’ taking a knee.
But that’s not this president’s interest. Again, his interest is waging a policy vendetta against all things linked to his predecessor and, of course, ministering to the urges of his corporate supporters.
It’s pertinent to understand that Trump did not populate the EPA to protect the environment but to fit within the worldview of people who took a blood oath against it.
The leader of that pack would be Oklahoma Republican James Inhofe, who famously called climate change a hoax and produced a snowball on the floor of the Senate to bolster whatever case he had.
Trump turned to Inhofe to pick the man to run the EPA, and that man was Pruitt, former Oklahoma attorney general, who spent most of his time in office in the Okie state suing the EPA.
When Pruitt had to bail out of the EPA in a raft of scandal, Trump turned to next most (least?) qualified Oklahoman to do the job, former Inhofe chief of staff, former coal lobbyist, Tom Wheeler.
So, understand, the EPA under Trump isn’t interested in protecting the environment. It is interested in protecting business interests friendly to the president.
It has no science to support its policies. All it has is political science.
It is up to the voters this fall, and two autumns hence, to repudiate the latter.
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Janice M Kelly says
Terrific article on EPA. Succinct and to the point. It’s a travesty to have such ignorant people serving in these capacities. A total sham on the public and our environment. Have they no shame.
John Mcgee says
It is beyond belief that the unqualified “Dumpster Fire”, who managed to fraudulently become president, with Russian meddling, would pick the worst of the worst millionaire grifters to head all the departments in his cabinet! Their goal is to destroy as much of that department as possible. Betsy DeVos wants to close the Education Department and Pruitt had wanted to close the EPA by the end of 2018! The most important goal for Trump is to destroy anything President Obama and the Democrats were able to pass despite all the Republican obstruction!