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Do not allow Mainstream Media mischaracterization of Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test to stand

Elizabeth Warren DNA Test Mainstream Media Mischaracterization

The mainstream media (MSM), like they did during the Obama administration, have allowed the likes of Donald Trump and the Right to drive the narrative whether misleading, inconsequential, or outright false. They are doing it with Elizabeth Warren now.

The MSM is making it seem that taking a DNA test that confirms that Warren has native American blood is somehow suspect. Worse, they want to characterize that a few native American leaders unnecessarily ‘politically upset’ because she released the results in a video that is representative of the native American population at large.

Progressive bloggers and independent media must not allow the mischaracterization of Elizabeth Warren’s DNA test to go unchecked. They must be called out for being wards of the Plutocracy.

I wrote the article recently titled “We must not allow the ‘Hillaryfication’ of Elizabeth Warren” that reads as follows.

The Pocahontas caricature that Donald Trump started seeding is an issue that Progressives must not allow to cauterize in people’s psyche. The attack is a backdoor into an attempt to diminish her accomplishments without resorting to direct sexism. Some Democrats will see Warren as too anti-corporation especially given her Accountable Capitalism Act. They will label her as too Liberal and will likely attack her as they did Bernie Sanders insisting that she is on the fringe.

The media must be called out immediately as soon as they allow the Right to drive that narrative. Absent that, the story will metastasize just like “death panels, “throw grandma off a cliff” did with the Affordable Care Act. The media were instrumental in giving Hillary Clinton’s email issues legs it should never have

cannot allow the Hillary-fication of Elizabeth Warren. It has already started. Politico’s article, “Warren battles the ghosts of Hillary.” is a case in point. &

The article also included the following quote from a Politico article that mainly came from other Democrats. It illustrates the concept about Left and Right tracks going in the same direction I spoke about in the article “Forget the Left / Right fight and start thinking derailment.”

The anti-Elizabeth Warren narrative was written before the Massachusetts senator even announced she was exploring a presidential run.

She’s too divisive and too liberal, Washington Democrats have complained privately. Her DNA rollout was a disaster — and quite possibly a White House deal-breaker. She’s already falling in the polls, and — perhaps most stinging — shares too many of the attributes that sank Hillary Clinton

the year of the woman, it adds up to one unwelcome mat for the most prominent woman likely to be part of the 2020 field. But it also presents an unmistakable challenge: How does Warren avoid a Clinton redux — written off as too unlikable before her campaign gets off the ground?


Well, unlike Politico, HuffPost’s Jennifer Bendery got it right in her article “Mainstream Media Is Blowing Its Coverage Of Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Test.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was positioned to make a strong bid for president in 2020, but she infuriated tribal leaders by releasing the results of a DNA test to prove her Native ancestry and now her future is unclear.

That’s what lots of news outlets want you to think, anyway, after Warren unexpectedly released a carefully choreographed video in mid-October featuring a geneticist who confirmed that she had a Native ancestor six to 10 generations ago.

“Nearly two months after Ms. Warren released the test results and drew hostile reactions from prominent tribal leaders, the lingering cloud over her likely presidential campaign has only darkened,” The New York Times reported in December.

Warren “enraged tribal groups and other minorities concerned about her reliance on a test to measure ethnicity,” The Washington Post reported last month. “That episode injected uncertainty over the decision-making by Warren and her campaign staff and subjected her to both anger and mockery just as she was gearing up for a potential presidential effort.”

Wow, this sounds bad! Let’s see what all these tribal chiefs and Native people are saying about Warren’s DNA test and why her decision to release it was so outrageous.


It is a long article worth reading. But Bendery’s most prescient statement follows.

Neither of these stories included comments from any elected tribal leaders. The Post story didn’t include comments from Native people at all. Of the three Native voices mixed in with political pundits in the Times story, one is a known Warren critic and one is a congresswoman-elect whose positive comments were buried ― a stunning distortion of how many tribal leaders and Native people in general feel about Warren’s move.

HuffPost talked to a dozen tribal chiefs, Native politicians, researchers and influencers to get a sense of why this narrative that has taken off in the media ― that Warren, who has been a strong ally to tribes, is suddenly on the ropes with them because of her DNA test ― seems off. Some spoke on record; others spoke only anonymously, given their close work with tribes whose privacy they wanted to respect.

The consensus was clear: This narrative is incredibly overblown. Tribal leaders have far more pressing matters to deal with than a senator’s DNA test. And, frustratingly, non-Native people are defining a debate about


It is clear there will be an attempt to destroy the candidacy of Elizabeth Warren by both rails of the political establishment, Democrats and Republicans alike. Just like they allowed the creation of a false narrative of ‘death panels’ and ‘government-take-over-of-healthcare’ to create a less than an optimal Affordable Care Act to protect a health insurance regime that pilfers Americans, they are trying to repeat for fear of Warren’s policies.

We can see the formative narrative early. It is imperative that Progressive, Liberal, and other Democratic bloggers and media person not allow this to cauterize. We have fair warning.

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