Former Democratic Governor of Colorado John Hickenlooper’s sat down at MSNBC for an interview. It should have been his last as a Democratic Presidential Candidate. He subsequently appeared on Morning Joe and made a fool of himself as he got the answer to “are you a Capitalist?” wrong before he stumbled into a mostly right answer.
So what cardinal sin did former Governor Hickenlooper commit? When asked by Lawrence O’Donnell if he supported Single Payer Medicare for All, he gave an answer I have heard too many Democrats make.
I think Medicare [for all] has many positive parts but I probably would oppose Medicare for All just because there are over 150 million people Americans who have some form of private insurance through their business and the vast majority are happy. I don’t see how you transition from taking something away from all those people that are already happy.
Former Governor John Hickenlooper on the Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
Medicare for All Poll

He is correctly reading the polls. And the reaction by Americans is a natural reaction. Support falls for Medicare for All if Americans think their taxes will go up. Why? They have very little disposable income left. It also falls if we tell them they will lose their primary private health insurance. That is also a behavior we should expect. They know the enemy they have versus an unknown.
It is lazy on the part of these candidates and their supporters not to tell the full story which will change minds because it is better for most. Instead of saying that Medicare for all will raise their taxes, give them the entire truth. Some will pay more in taxes while some will see no change. But most will see more disposable income in their pockets. Moreover, there is no more copay and deductibles to worry about which is better than most if not any private plan can offer.
In fact, those are the two arguments those opposing Medicare for all will use. They do not need assistance from Democratic candidates to make a false case for anything less.
Folks, we can do better. We have got to stop starting from a losing position. We have to take the bull by the horns and move forward with Medicare for All.
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