I listen to news channels continuously. Lately, I have been doing it sort of like background noise because it is repetitious irrespective of channel. Worse, the news coverage on ALL channels is decidedly shallow and narrow. It is like a small creek flowing out of the Amazon river.
I had to do a double take as a listened to MSNBC in the background. A panelist other than Eddie Glaude and a few others said something prescient and sensible.
Megan Murphy cautioned the media on Trump’s distractions
There is one thing every American can be sure of when they wake up in the mornings. There will be a Donald Trump tweet, an incident from one of his minions, or other action.
Donald Trump is sure of one thing. The bait he
For a time, after the Mueller Report was handed over to Bob Barr, Chuck Todd gave the impression that he along with the mainstream media would make that turn, one of substantive, informative, and responsible journalism.
“The challenge facing Democrats and yes some of us in the press too is that the Barr summary has made easy for people to dismiss all of those questions as sour grapes,” Chuck said then. “But they shouldn’t be dismissed, and we as journalists have to ask them. The partisans can do what they do, and we do what we do.”
It turns out it was wishful thinking as Todd reverted to the same shallow journalism of his genre and beyond, the ineffective normal of today’s mainstream journalism. But we get flickers of hope every so often. We did today as Megan Murphy hit the nail on the head on a panel this morning.
Megan Murphy correctly said that we should continue to urge the release of the entire Mueller Report. Most importantly, she pointed out that we must not fall for the plethora of distracting information coming from the Trump PR machine. Instead, we must understand the systematic deconstruction of our systems, regulations and more. She used the example of Trump flying to Texas to sign an executive order giving the president the power that would make it difficult for states to stop the construction of pipelines.
Let’s be clear; the type of coverage Trump is getting is not that different from what he received pre-election. If this continues without the alternative and independent media taking hold, Americans will reelect Donald Trump will because the actual clear and present danger he represents will not have become evident to enough Americans.
It is imperative that we be vocal online and in the flesh and speak up. It is also that you share constructive critiques of the president and the threat he represents to us all.
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