The Justice Department released The Mueller Report. Of course, they released a non-searchable form. As soon as I got it, I OCR’ed it into a searchable document. I have not had the time to read the report yet, but listened intently to different cable news outlets read outtakes from the report.
The Mueller Report is terrible news for Donald Trump. It illustrates perfectly that Donald Trump was not draining a shallow swamp left by past presidents. He was filling the swamp with a high volume of sewage and toxic waste.
The window to a presidency is the press secretary. And this outtake from the Mueller Report is probative.
In the afternoon of May 10, 2017, deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders spoke to the President about his decision to fire Corney and then spoke to reporters in a televised press conference. Sanders told reporters that the President, the Department of Justice, and bipartisan members of Congress had lost confidence in Corney, “[a]nd most importantly, the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in their director. Accordingly, the President accepted the recommendation of his Deputy Attorney General to remove James Corney from his position.” In response to questions from reporters, Sanders said that Rosenstein decided “on his own” to review Corney’s performance and that Rosenstein decided “on his own” to come to the President on Monday, May 8 to express his concerns about Corney. When a reporter indicated that the “vast majority” of FBI agents supported Corney, Sanders said, “Look, we’ve heard from countless members of the FBI that say very different things.” Following the press conference, Sanders spoke to the President, who told her she did a good job and did not point out any inaccuracies in her comrnents.” Sanders told this Office that her reference to hearing from “countless members of the FBI” was a “slip of the tongue. She also recalled that her statement in a separate press interview that rank-and-file FBI agents had lost confidence in Corney was a comment she made “in the heat of the moment” that was not founded on anything.
The report is filled with an amalgamation of lies, bad deeds, skirting the law, and much worse. But here is the thing. Most Americans have pretty much accepted that we have a corrupt president. Worse, they think corruption is systemic. As such, do not expect Americans to change their opinions or their vote because we have a mafia boss as president. If that mafia boss gives them the semblance of prosperity or at least not falling over the cliff, then they adapt.
An impeachment that does not result in the removal of the president plays into the hands of Trump. He will use it as a clarion call to his base, they are trying to undo your vote, he will say.
It is best to beat Trump at the ballot box using each bad-deed item in the Mueller Report as scalpel blade. Show that Trump’s policies directly hurt his supporters on a personal level and all his corruption was to enrich himself and other inhabitants of the swamp he grew.
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