Move to Amend Director Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap points out a reality Democrats will do well realizing sooner than later. If the Democrats are to win the White House, they must nominate a populist candidate.
Next Democratic nominee must be a populist
Donald Trump mobilized enough people in the right places not only on his message of hate and fear. He used Progressive policies articulated in his bombastic manner. The abundance of work, prosperity, and winning for everyone could equate to basic income. Healthcare for everyone that they would love and could afford parallels Medicare for All.
Trump had no intention of being successful. He just needed to get there to deconstruct the state.
Trump has perfected the deception. With a good economy, absent a populist candidate who can match his policy lies with believable policies, Trump will be reelected.
But Kaitlin has another fear. If a centrist or neoliberal like Joe Biden is elected and his administration maintains the status quo, it would leave the door open for the next Trump, a fascist on steroids. That is an outcome neither the United States of America or the world could survive.
The Democratic Party would do best not playing the games of the past to prevent a populist candidate from emerging in the primary. That is the only path to a lasting victory.
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