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Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr tells Chuck Todd the inconvenient truth about Trump, Reagan, & complicit centrists

Professor Eddie Gloude Jr tells Chuck Todd the truth about Trump, Reagan, & complicit centrists

Much of the demise of the middle-class and the poor did not and is not happening at the hands of Donald Trump but under the policies instituted by Ronald Reagan and complicit centrists.

The above reality pains, many. They see these statements as divisive. However, unless we acknowledge that many for whatever reason bought into Reaganomics, supply-side economics, trickle-down economics, voodoo economics either by fooling themselves that it was what Americans wanted or that it was good for all.

Yes, many in rhetoric criticized Reaganomics, but when we study policies that we now define as centrists, they are nothing more than a rightward move of the center which gives cover to many. “The era of big government,” was always a cover of the fallacy of a benign for of Reagan-ism.

Dr. Eddie Glaude could have said it no better than he did on Meet The Press today on Chuck Todd‘s panel.

Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. on Trump, Reagan, Complicit Centrists

Politic Done Right Playlist on YouTube

The statement by Kristen Soltis Anderson is most prescient. In effect, she is saying that those who are prospering under Donald Trump would much prefer his reelection than anyone purporting to support Progressive policies.

The thing is that Anderson’s statement does not only apply to Republicans but to some “centrist” Democrats as well. Donny Deutsch made the astounding comment that he would vote for Donald Trump if the Democrats chose a candidate like Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primaries. Joe Scarborough, a Conservative and former Republican admonished him on air.

These are serious times for the poor and middle-class. We do not have time for incremental change, the ones that never come or that they subsequently overturn. We better get out there and talk to EVERYONE and let them know we support the policies they already want and will give them candidate from the Presidency, to the Congress, to the state houses.

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