NYU professor Scott Galloway scorched Mark Zuckerberg and billionaires as he inferred that we would be on the cusp of a revolution if our income inequality trajectory continued.
Republican lie about the US economy debunked by the World Bank.
The Republican myth of rising crime rates, exposing their propaganda tactics, is debunked. It highlights the actual FBI data showing crime declines and emphasizes the need for truthful, balanced reporting.
Reaction to a great job report is another example of our economic system being a fraud by the few.
President Biden received yet another solid job report. Unfortunately, financial intelligentsia believes it is bad news for interest rates and inflation.
Jake Tapper exposes Trump sycophant ND Gov Doug Burgum: Is Biden buying your welfare citizens’ vote?
Jake Tapper challenged North Dakota Governor, a Trump sycophant seeking the vice presidency, as he defended Trump’s claim that Biden is buying welfare votes.
Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr tells Chuck Todd the inconvenient truth about Trump, Reagan, & complicit centrists
Professor Dr. Eddie Glaude pointed an inconvenient truth on a panel with Chuck Todd on Meet The Press that should give many people pause. We are at the collapse of the Reagan era.
Now Just Five Men Own Almost as Much Wealth as Half the World’s Population
While Americans fixate on Trump, the super-rich are absconding with our wealth, and the plague of inequality continues to grow.
Bernie Sanders major Wall Street Speech (VIDEO)
Bernie Sanders gave a compelling speech on Wall Street and the economy that got little media coverage. Be the media and share what they refused to.
Inequality: Recent Trends and Future Prospects (VIDEO)
What is clear is that the current state of inequality did not just happen. There are policies that aid and abet it.
It’s official: The top 1% owns over 50% of the world’s wealth (VIDEO)
That the few have accumulated more wealth than most of the people on earth is not an accident. It is by design and we must be deprogrammed to not accept it.
Bill Maher slams Americans for the greed that created the sharing economy (VIDEO)
Bill Maher blasts the sharing economy that we created as we worshiped the greed that ultimately stole our economic well-being, the real take on our economy.