Dr, Eddie Glaude in a passionate soliloquy, points out that Trump is not the genesis of the nations racist problems. Sadly, the solutions are not easy but must be intentional. He called out the nations willful ignorance.
Dr. Eddie Glaude on U.S. racism, not just a Trump thing
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Mr. Willies, so what will set whites free, when will they come to realize this country & land is not theirs alone. No one ever said that white folks would be the only habitants of U.S. Yes, in past generations they got away with a whole lot of violations against humanity. Nut today is a new day, a new generation and we call for a more perfect union which includes everyone. The words of President Obama ring so clear today, “there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there’s the United States of America.” President Barack Obama.
You get it.