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Bernie supporter or not, mainstream corporate media playing us all.

Whether one is a Bernie Sanders supporter or not, one should be appalled at a media that consistently misinform viewers on all fronts. There is a narrative the corporate media have developed on Sanders that can be easily dispelled by reality.

Unfortunately, with the mainstream media under the control of just a few corporate entities, getting the portions of reality anathema to a controlling plutocracy into the public sphere is difficult. That is why a real and robust independent media is needed and should be supported.

The following video uses the corporate mainstream media narrative as a background to the real Bernie Sanders in action. Please watch in its entirety whether you are a supporter or not. It will help ensure that no one takes the mainstream media at face value.

Bernie Sanders reality vs Mainstream Media narrative

We should remember that the corporate mainstream media was partially responsible for the election of Donald Trump. They normalized Trump in such a manner that the American public accepted behavior that in the past would make one unelectable.

It is clear that the corporate mainstream media has an agenda. Unfortunately, that agenda is anathema to a candidate like Bernie Sanders.

We should remember that for the plutocracy, a Trump reelection or a Biden win means either excesses or at minimum the status quo. Until Americans stop allowing the Plutocracy and their wards, the corporate media, to set the narrative, we will continue to be coerced into electing those who serve them and not us.

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