My first thought when reading about a police officer picking up a coffee at Starbucks with PIG printed on the label was not what it normally should be. To be clear, If an employee did that by his/her own volition, they should be fired.
Police officer receives Starbucks coffee cup with ‘PIG’ printed on label |
TULSA, Oklahoma (KTRK) — A quick trip to get coffee has left a police chief with a bad taste in his mouth.An officer stopped by a Starbucks to grab five cups of coffee for his dispatchers working on Thanksgiving.When the officer picked up the coffee, the cups had the word “Pig” printed on the side of them.After seeing that, the officer called his chief. The chief called the store and asked to speak to the manager who offered to reprint the cups if the officer brought them back.
Source: Police officer receives Starbucks coffee cup with ‘PIG’ printed on label |
I can’t help but believe this is a setup by the police. My personal justified distrust of the police is so strong that I can never view their actions even by those who I trust without suspicion. After all, they are all a part of the blue wall of silence that feeds my ever-growing distrust the more stories I read from around the country.
Worse, they are a part of a criminal justice system that lays the foundation to feed a prison industrial complex with the bodies of those least able to fight for their rights and innocence. To be clear, the prison industrial complex is much more than private prisons.
I know we cannot live without the police. We need them to fight the bad guys. But through my eyes, it is an uncomfortable battle between need and trust. Personally, I will stay as far away from cops and the criminal justice system as much as I can. On a side note, many of my cousins are officers, detectives, and supervisors with the police throughout these United States.
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