Donald Trump promised to be an avid fighter for Social Security & Medicare. All told, he was just lying to the vulnerable. He made that clear at Davos.
Trump on Social Security & Medicare
Common Dreams reported Trump’s Davos unmasking on CNBC.
While attending the World Economic Forum’s summit of global elites in the Swiss mountaintop retreat of Davos on Wednesday, President Donald Trump openly admitted he would—if reelected in 2020—consider cutting back funding for key social programs including Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.
The remarks came in an interview with CNBC‘s Joe Kernen in Davos, and although the news outlet did not report them in their initial write-up of the exchange, they were captured in the transcript:
KERNEN: Do I dare— one last question.
KERNEN: Entitlements ever be on your plate?
TRUMP: At some point they will be. We have tremendous growth. We’re going to have tremendous growth. This next year I—it’ll be toward the end of the year. The growth is going to be incredible. And at the right time, we will take a look at that. You know, that’s actually the easiest of all things, if you look, cause it’s such a—
KERNEN: If you’re willing—
TRUMP: —big percentage.
KERNEN: —to do some of the things that you said you wouldn’t do in the past, though, in terms of Medicare—
TRUMP: Well, we’re going—we’re going to look….
For those who needed a translation, MarketWatch columnist Pedro Nicolaci da Costa spelled it out plainly: “Trump told CNBC he wants to cut Social Security.”
There is no doubt of Donald Trump’s intent. While there is never any concern in blowing up the budget to give tax cuts to his wealthy benefactors, he is intent on balancing the budget on the backs of the middle-class and poor.
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“Let them eat cake”–or cat food. The Great Tax Cutter for Billionaires has said what he was plotting and scheming all along.