Chuck Todd, in the end, gets it right. Bernie could not be the Democratic nominee because there was a Democratic Establishment that did not allow it. Please watch the video as well for a full perspective.
Bernie couldn’t beat the Democratic Establishment. What now?
Chuck Todd and Steve Kornacki had an important segment that is worth watching. It showed the extent to which the Democratic Establishment coalesced its members to stifle Bernie Sanders.
Here is the deal. It is clear that Bernie Sanders will not be the nominee. Many will attribute it to his inability to expand the base. Let’s be clear, I have followed Bernie Sanders for a long time. While he is not the most eloquent spokesperson for his policies, polls say that Americans are more in line with his policies than any other candidate that ran except Elizabeth Warren, who shares almost to the sentence-ending period, the same policies.
One should note as well that the fondness of Sanders’ policies went beyond Democrats. But we should learn about the guardians of our capitalist gates. They lead both parties and neither side will allow a candidate immutable in their support for a strong social safety net treated as a right to prevail.
The guardians of the gate, the wards of plutocracy’s biggest fear is that Americans will start to question the fairness of the economic system in which the profit and wealth of a few is dependent on labor, sacrifice, and intellect of the mass who constantly get a lesser amount of thee pie.
The thing is, the COVID-19 may ultimately do a much better job than either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could. It is the reason why Mr. 47% Romney was quick in recommending cash to every American. It is why Congress is falling over itself to continue its support for Modern Monetary Theory (even as they disparage it), but this time includes the masses.
Update: I had a dialogue with a dear friend. I include here because I think it adds a necessary framework to this piece.
Friend: Everytime you blame the “Democratic establishment” you insult the Democratic voter. They do not know what they’re doing? They are allowing themselves to be manipulated? They lack the ability to understand the issues? The so called Democratic establishment is a tiny fraction of the voting public. Real people, all kinds of people voted and chose.
Me: I honestly do not want to be presumptuous though my following statement I am sure will come across that way for those who don’t know my heart. In order not to think ill of those who support candidates that do not have the best interest of a large percentage of the population based on the policies they put forward, based on the lies they tell about policies that mathematically show they would be beneficial to most I must believe that they do not know what they are doing, they are allowing themselves to be manipulated, and they choose not to understand the issues, willfully or not, that affect them and others. You see, if I think otherwise, I would really have to question their real care about all their extended brothers and sisters.
Numbers and math are pesky things. And we are living a pesky set of lies caused by calculated indoctrination from birth. I wish more people would really understand the Powell Manifesto and the deliberate attempt to take over mainstream media, universities, churches, etc.
We have been given the parameters under which to think to maintain and justify an inhumane and unfair set of policies that can only get worse. Why. Because again, math is absolute. Friend, I know you think I am crazy. You are a good person. Try just once to look through my eyes without preconditions. My change in economic thinking was not easy. Hell, I am a self-made businessman and when I look back on some of my own thoughts I cringe.
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Bernie Sanders is too far to the left, for most of the people in this Country. I am an Independent. My politics are moderate, liberal when it comes to social issues, conservative, in ‘how are we going to pay for this, the deficit, etc. Also, Bernie’s followers (15%) will not vote for Joe Biden, and will vote for Trump. Many of his followers will stay home and vote for no one this November; this should help Trump immensely (this is what happened in the 2016 race). Just my opinion…