MSNBC Host Nicolle Wallace did not allow a professional sycophant, a doctor, who attempted to give the president a pass on using UV rays inside the body to cure COVID-19.
MSNBC Host corrects Trump sycophant in real-time
One of the reasons that Donald Trump and his Republican cabal have been successful in the past is not only because he bullies reporters but because his sycophants have also bullied TV hosts or spoken in a manner where TV hosts give them a pass.
As was mentioned in several recent posts, some who normally let these pathogenic characters off the hook, are standing up. We are usually critical of Meet The Press’ Chuck Todd. But when Todd interrupted the Mississippi governor recently as that governor slipped and admitted that corporations would write the laws opening up his state, it was clear the dereliction of duty was somewhat attenuated.
While these may seem like simple things, the sum total of not correcting sycophants as they define false narratives lead to a confused population. That ultimately results in voting outside one’s interests.
Kudos to Nicolle for getting in there right away. She kind of knocked his guard down as it is clear he thought he could just insert the phrase unchallenged.
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wzrd1 says
It’s a pity that the host didn’t realize what he was spouting off about.
UVC is filtered out entirely by the ozone layer. Exposure to UVC can cause welder’s burns to the eyes, blindness and sever sunburn.
Followed by skin cancer, plus whatever havoc the high level of ozone would wreak inside the respiratory tract.
Frankly, he’d be swearing that my parents were never married when I’d casually mention, “Well, that’s good doctor. I too believe in UV being healthy and in germicidal UV to purge any virus from visitors being tracked in and causing our crew and staff to contract COVID-19. “So, I’m sure you’ll be glad, we have a UVC sanitizer light set up to ensure the entire room is sanitized.
Those lights that appear to be off are high intensity UVC lamps, which are rather expensive, due to the requirement for quartz or sapphire to make up the tube! I wasn’t available of that before we had to order the bank of UVC lamps.
Given that you’re a doctor, you’ve been in uncontrolled environments and likely, also around a lot of sick people, I’m sure that you won’t mind that we’ve had those lamps on for the 10 minutes that you’ve been here”.
It is true that quartz and gems will pass UV. UVC is of high enough energy that it ionizes oxygen in the air and generates ozone, needless to say, it is a known cause of cancer.
EUV, aka Extreme UV is just under x-rays in energy and are definitely ionizing radiation.
If he bolted, I’d advise him on his way out the door that EUV irradiation is currently happening in the hallways to the studio…
It never is what you will do that counts, it’s what the other sap thinks that you might do that counts.
BTW, the rocket scientists that want to irradiate a room with UVC are wasting effort and money. Sure, they can hit a fair part of the room with the radiation, but there’s this neat thing that they didn’t think about.
It’s called shadow. The UVC can’t sterilize what it doesn’t strike and don’t get me into trying to sleep in a room lousy with ozone.