“Is publicist Ilene Proctor fed up with the superficiality of our politics and more? Sometimes a little bit of satire says more than the words themselves. The Stature of Liberty and the ‘improved’ Pledge of Allegiance is probative.“
An “Improved” Pledge of Allegiance?
I pledge allegiance to Kim Kardashian = and the United Flakes of America, one nation, under Pucci and Gucci, with loyalty to me, luxury and glamour for all to the new abridged Constitution of the United States of America
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the we-don’t-like-anything common aroma, and promote fashion and beauty and botox, and secure the blessing of Kim for ourselves, do ordain this updated Constitution for the United States of America.Pledge of Allegiance
Amendment !
Congress shall make no law abridging the rights of everyone by law must include Kim in every sentence uttered, thereby enhancing the eloquence and freedom of our national dialogue and speech.
Amendment 11
A well-regulated citizenry, being necessary to the image of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed
Amendment !! Oh, this is getting all so b-o-r-i-n-g. Only the first two are important anyway.
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