There are few cable or network news hosts willing to go where Ali Velshi goes economically and politically. He has the skill set necessary to get the point across without excessive offense to the sensibilities of the oligarchy.
Ali Velshi did it again.
I was busy finishing my new book “It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors” (shameless plug) while listening to Ali Velshi subbing for Lawrence O’Donnell on The Last Word. Ali Velshi went from the unemployment report into one of his soliloquies.
I immediately stopped what I was doing, rewound the DVR, and started recording. I knew it would be good as it was right up the narrative we preach at Politics Done Right. Listening to the narrative every political & economic host should be talking about was like drinking honey.
The first thing Velshi did was to describe the employment game in the context of the horrendous real employment condition. He did not allow relativity to reign in the numbers but reality. Hell, we are at 10.2% unemployment and likely much higher if we take other factors into consideration.
Ali Velshi went into the obscenity of a stock market that was near historic highs. And then he started to describe the structural failure of our economic system.
There is one sentence that I think slightly tainted his commentary after making the truthful statement that the economic policies are rigged in favor of the wealthy.
“I am a capitalist,” Velshi said. “But it does not have to be this way.”
In fact, it does not have to be this way.
By definition pure capitalism justifies our current state. The efficient allocation of resources to maximize shareholder value dictates it. We have declared our country a capitalist one and have tried to be as pure as possible and that means by all means necessary even at the expense of life.
Until we think solely in terms of people first, real democracy, and free enterprise, we will not change. But as Velshi implies, removal of the indoctrination is necessary. Redistribution is just a corrective measure for a severely flawed economic system but necessary for its survival.
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Thanks for your post. I agree. But the world is set up for the ruling elite farmers and the rest of us are just dumb human livestock. That is what we have to fight against.