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Chuck Todd & George Stephanopoulos calls out Trump’s lying spokesmen.

Chuck Todd & Stephanopoulos calls out Trump's spokesmen

Both Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos grilled Trump’s spokesmen, Peter Navarro and Larry Kudlow, as they continued spilling lies and misinformation.

Todd & Stephanopoulos were journalists today

Watch the full episode here.

I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of pushback that both Chuck Todd and George Stephanopoulos gave to Trump’s two lying spokesmen. They were there to talk about Trump’s faux executive orders. Stephanopoulos was much more effective and seemed much better prepared to challenge Larry Kudlow than was Todd at challenging Peter Navarro. That said, it was Chuck Todd who had the most direct deserved attack on the president.

Peter Navarro tried to imply that it was the Democrats trying to hold out the deal for a stimulus package.

“There is this theory, Chuck, that the Democrats would prefer to see the economy go into the tank for another 90 days because that harms the president,” Navarro said. “I hope that, that Capitol Hill hasn’t become that cynical. But watching this negotiation, it makes me wonder. Because we’ve been willing to bend. But watching this negotiation, it makes me wonder. Because we’ve been willing to bend.”

Chuck Todd did not allow him to get away with that statement.

“I think the cynicism is a two-way street,” Chuck Todd said. “… I think he [Trump] has a reputation of killing more deals than he does of solving them.”

Ouch! So much for the Art of the Deal.

Stephanopoulos was like the energizer bunny keeping Kudlow off center. He challenged the payroll tax pause, and all the other pieces in the president’s purported executive order. Stephanopoulos challenged Kudlow by pointing out that even Republicans believed the president is acting unconstitutionally. It was clear the president went rogue and Kudlow proved they are comfortable with their unconstitutional behavior.

“OK, I appreciate those things,” Kudlow replied. “Maybe we’re going to go to court on them. We’re going to go ahead with our actions anyway.”

Todd and Stephanopoulos had both of these liars a bit perturbed. And that is when they slip up.

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