Chuck Todd gets a good one in every so often. He challenged Indiana Senator Mike Braun after he gave an insane rosy scenario.
Chuck Todd asks the correct loaded question
One gets tired of Donald Trump’s enablers and sycophants appearing on cable programs, including those considered more fact-based and giving them a pass.
Chuck Todd is the Political Director at NBC News and, as such, should set the tone for the appropriate questioning of politicians. Unfortunately, it is left to the younger, mostly female hosts like Katy Tur as well as Ali Velshi, who gets the job done.
Today there was a welcome surprise. Trump enabler Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) appeared on Todd’s program. He attempted to spin Trump’s performance on COVID-19 as if he did a good job. Too often, Todd and others like him have allowed the statement to go unchallenged or minimally challenged.
The thing is, the challenge of Trump’s competency is easy to ascertain. After all, there are comparable examples around the world. And that is where Chuck Todd hit the Senator.
After the Senator came to the defense of Trump, Chuck came back with the appropriate question/statement.
“The hard part for me is to understand how any part of this response can be seen as a positive,” Chuck Todd said. “When you compare our outcomes to South Korea, to Germany, to France, to Spain, to Italy. We can go down the line. When you compare us to the rest of the Western World — I am not even talking about developing countries or third world countries — … what part of this response has been a positive? We are still shut in our houses. We can’t go to sporting events six months later. In other countries, you can.”
Those are simply the facts, and no response is required. The president has failed.
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