MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell is from a time of cordial journalism. Trump’s comms guy forced her out of character and she did not disappoint.
Andrea Mitchell, out of character. Welcomed!
Andrea Mitchell invited President Trump’s Campaign Communication Director, Tim Murtaugh, to the program. True to form, he began his prose by misinforming and lying to Americans.
Mitchell confronted Murtaugh about Trump’s super spreader rallies. Of course, his response was deceiving. He said that Trump always advised attendees to wear masks and to be safe.
It is clear that Trump only uses masks when he is embarrassed about doing the right thing. In fact, even today, at the rallies, he constantly made fun of using them. All his rallies were packed with sycophants without masks.
There was a point in the interview when Murtaugh got under Mitchell’s skin when he tried to equate Trump’s irresponsibility with Biden. It made her go off to enumerate Trump’s COVID-19 malfeasance.
“One thing he has done,” Mitchell said. “is worn a mask all of the time. [He did] not have big rallies, not have super-spreaders at the Rose Garden, not have super-spreaders in Tulsa and in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and other places.”
She continued to be pretty tough with Murtaugh. She then summarily dismissed him.
“That is not at all accurate,” Andrea said.
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He said, it’s also “patriotic to wear a mask”, given Trump’s rejection of wearing masks, Trump has proved, via his own words and actions, to be unpatriotic in the extreme.
As for reopening, I’ve worked under some rather, erm, deficient, aw hell, utterly incompetent managers. Every former employee was “disgruntled”, every damned failure was never their fault – even if the eventual business failure was precisely predicted by those “disgruntled” employees, who were blamed by Manager Mr or Ms Inept.
I’ll simply close with considering, “The vaccine is right around the corner”, Trump said we’ve turned the corner, vaccines are still in testing for a damned good reason. I’m also a combat veteran.
Wanna hear an unfiltered response to waiting for ammunition arriving sometime mid-next year or later, while we’re in contact with the enemy? It’d become a novel method of education in all forms of profanity, in multiple languages.
Suffice it to say, Trump’s redefined what I’ve long said about most politicians, into a grander form of, “He’s more full of shit than a Christmas goose. The latter being infamous for being overstuffed with some kind of stuffing comprised of offal, stale bread and spices.