Stephanie Ruhle points out an inconvenient fact small businesses complaining about a living wage must learn. I use this media company as an example. Please watch in its entirety.
Stephanie Ruhle business rules
Many small businesses complain that paying a living wage would put them out of business. Stephanie Ruhle made a point they should all note.
President Biden recently said that workers are now in a position to choose their employer. Employers must pay commensurate with the work they want to be done.
“For years and years, workers have not had any power,” Stephanie Ruhle said. “Employers had all the power. Now that’s switching. And while we do hear from many businesses that say, ‘I can’t afford to pay my workers more,’ let’s be honest, Ayman, if your business model is such that you cannot pay your employees a living wage then, newsflash, it is not a valued functioning business model, and it’s time to change that. And especially as you look at fortune 500 companies, big businesses, they’ve had an extraordinary year – look at the stock market. The gains shouldn’t only be gotten by executives and shareholders. It’s time to actually give back to workers. Trickle-down economics doesn’t work. But we’re in a scenario right now where, if you lift the bottom, it could potentially mean everyone rises.”
She is absolutely correct. But it is deeper, and we are covering this topic almost daily on Politics Done Right. All of us must understand the dynamics of our economic system and elect those who will vote to make it equitable.
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