Ro Khanna on an inconvenient truth: Progressives have not been obstructionists. Their plan is the Biden plan, and it is they who’s had his back.
Ro Khanna hits the nail on the head.
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President Joe Biden would do well to realize an inconvenient truth. Some have his back when he performs for the American people. Other’s only has his back when he performs for some politicians’ corporate benefactor’s interests.
Ro Khanna‘s first point was that he was not going to negotiate on TV. He then laid out the facts.
“Our position is the 3.5 trillion is actually the Biden agenda,” Congressman Ro Khanna said. “But I will say this. The Progressives have always been willing to have back and forth. We have never drawn a red line. And if the question is what is the priority, I think the priority is investing in the key needs of the American people, in child care, in dental, in vision being covered in Medicare, in community college being free. And we can look at how long those investments should last and the scope of those investments. I believe 3.5 trillion was already the compromise, but we have never looked,”
Khanna then pointed out that it is not the Progressives that are the ones who quickly throw the President off the cliff.
“Chuck, we never did something that those 10 Centrists did,” Khanna said. “Name me a time where the progressives have actually threatened to hold up the agenda. And the irony here is that the Progressives have the President’s back. We’re the ones who’ve been on TV, on cable news defending the withdrawal. We’re the ones who are saying let’s get the Biden agenda passed; his strongest allies have actually been the Progressives in Congress.”
Too often, the mainstream media fail to give stories the proper context. Who is holding who hostage?
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