Tiffany Cross explains why the likes of Van Jones, Carlos Watson, and Sage Steele get opportunities denied others closer to their communities.
Tiffany Cross showed some ovaries on this one
Tiffany Cross took on a subject that few will touch. Why? Because it may not be cool to call out those who are not quite stepping up to the plate to take on our real socio-economic issues that lead to access to success.
Tiffany specifically called out Sage Steele, Carlos Watson, and Van Jones as three black people that get funded easily. She concludes that the reason these three people are funded is that they have the knack to placate white people. In other words, they do not challenge false thoughts that would upset their sensibilities.
Cross has a point. The examples she gave make it clear. Many may see her statements as an attack. It was not. In fact, she points out that BIPOC’s who receive the most support tend to placate when confronted with real issues that may make some uncomfortable.
I love the prose Cross used near the end. She played a disparaging comment that Sage Steele made against President Obama. She knew that some may gravitate to Sage’s interpretation. Cross then asked the prescient question, Why would you conquer which such a statement.
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